Wednesday 9 May 2012

Sweet! My first post. I've done this blogging thing before but failed miserably. So, here it goes again. I decided that there are probably enough folks (beside me) who are interested in my bicycle racing. I am mainly concerned with family and close friends. It seems, now that we are older, it's getting much harder to keep updated with my family of 6 siblings.
If folks outside of my family/friend circle find this to be a resource for insider views on elite racing around NCNCA and beyond that's great! I hope to also use this blog as an avenue to promote and thank my team, sponsors and supporters who make racing possible. Thanks for reading and check back often as I will try to update this site on a weekly basis.


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you started this blog, because you are right, it is incredibly difficult to stay up-to-date on each other's lives as we all get older. I will enjoy reading about your racing and other adventures!

    BTW, I love the title of your blog. Very clever!

  2. Good start!
    p.s. how do i subscribe to this (potentially) awesome blog?

  3. I'm not sure how to subscribe...If you have a google account I know you can "follow" me.

  4. Nano, add me on as an admin for this blog and I will set up the subscribe button and whip your template/color scheme into shape :)

  5. Looking forward to keeping up to date via this awesome start to a blog :)

